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What topics and niches are accepted by Benzinga
What topics and niches are accepted by Benzinga
Updated over a week ago

Benzinga has specific guidelines for which topics and niches they will publish. Below is a list of accepted and unaccepted topics:

Benzinga does not accept the following topics and niches:

  • Content that is promotional in nature or includes sales or marketing terms such as "buy," "order," "free," "discount," "money back guarantee," and "act now"

  • Lifestyle, arts, and culture topics, including travel, health, leisure, home and house, personal finances, fitness, green living, cosmetics, cooking, interior design, gardening, hobbies, handcrafts, and work-life balance

  • Blockchain-based technologies, including NFTs, cryptocurrency, DeFi, and tokens

Ideally, Benzinga prefers to publish articles about the following topics and niches:

  • Business news and announcements

  • Financial results

  • Market research

  • Investment-grade press releases

  • Product launches

  • Workshops

  • Seminars

  • Crowdfunded startup announcements

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